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Things to Accomplish Before Dementia Progression


Alzheimer’s & dementia do exist. After the onset of the first phase, there is no going back. The condition will slowly or rapidly progress to worse stages depending on the aggressiveness of the cause.

And this does not only happen to people under senior care in Vermont but can occur at any stage of a person’s life.

When things are not going in favor of your health and healing, you must consider accomplishing things that only you have control or power.

When facing an overwhelming situation, set aside the sensitivity of this issue before you become more forgetful and unable to handle personal, legal, and financial matters like the following:

  • Powers of Attorney
  • Transfer of accounts, titles, assets, and liabilities
  • Adoption papers, the establishment of paternity or maternity
  • Medical treatment decisions like Do not Resuscitate or DNR order, living will
  • Residential home services

Many people forget and neglect these affairs, making it more difficult for the families and heirs to accomplish when the person in charge can no longer manage or is already under end of life care.

When you need home care in Vermont before the symptoms start, you have the right to do so. Hope Home Care Services is willing to provide the services you need while you spend your golden years with comfort and convenience.

Our home care services in Vermont will respect your preferences and give you the best services you deserve.

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